University of Reading Water Maintenance Contract

Cite: Andrew Smith / The University of Reading

Reading University consists of six campuses incorporating approximately 450 buildings. We look after office blocks, student accommodation, staff houses, and various other property types.

In the year 2011 we lost the contract at the tendering period, however the contract was prematurely terminated with their chosen contractor after initial year and a half period due to lack of assurance from the chosen provider.

The large portfolio of Reading University housing accommodation provides us great experience with a variety of tenants, mainly young and diverse students, but also teachers, key personnel, and tenants. The provision of service includes 2 yearly legionella risk assessments carried out with disinfections, tank inspections, calorifier inspections and de-scales, sampling, UV lamps servicing, monthly temperature monitoring, weekly flushing (especially during holiday periods), remedial and plumbing works, borehole and chlorine dioxide units servicing and maintenance.

Assurance Rapidly Restored

The University of Reading (UoR) required a comprehensive schedule to mobilise a full contract within a 1 month period. They required a competent supplier to hit the ground running, making improvements immediately. Because the University of Reading consists of 400 plus sites including student accommodation, office blocks, lecture theatres, we were required to identify all risks, plan for mitigation and mobilise immediately. Fortunately SMS were well placed to do what was required in the very tight time frame.

Managing the Measurable

A key component to the success of the rapid mobilisation was UoR adopting an online-based information system (OPUZ) supplied by SMS Environmental which became their electronic logbook, document storage, management and operational analysis tool. It allowed UoR to monitor and audit remotely, in real time and continuously. They gained a greater understanding of specific incidents and remained in control of their compliance and a better understanding of specific incidents and this enabled them to initially gain control and ultimately remain in control of their compliance.

Thanks to the additional protection SMS Environmental provide, I feel more assured that we are fully compliant, therefore I sleep well at night

Contract Manager, University of Reading

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