What is Opuz Compliance Software?

Opuz is a web-based Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) that fully integrates with the workforce, facilities and documents you control, it will handle just about every challenge you present it and become the solution you've been looking for.

A one-stop solution that replaces traditional methods, OPUZ improves safety through compliance and ensures record keeping is managed in real-time with the additional peace of mind that your data is secure using a market-leading system from an ISO 27001-certified company.

Why Opuz Is The Right Choice?

Opuz helps support facilities and operations management by streamlining and centralising all your data and processes in one place.

Improving efficiency and decision-making by providing real-time data tracking and reporting, automated workflows, and easy access to important information when you need it most. Saving time, money and overall performance.


BOOK A LIVE DEMO: Opuz Software


  • Mobile Workforce Solution
  • Reactive Helpdesk
  • Planned preventative maintenance
  • Estate & asset lifecycle management
  • Compliance and Risk Control
  • Customisable Dashboard and Analysis Al and Smart Building Integration (IOT)
  • CapEx Projects
  • Performance/KPIs tracking
  • Generate Survey & Reports Documents
  • Compliance Document Control


  • Ensures peace of mind
  • Simplifies compliance management
  • Assists inter-departmental organisation
  • Enhances operational efficiency
  • Auto population of risk assessment data
  • Simplifies hazard management
  • Time saving
  • Maintains audit trail
  • Multi site/building accounts
  • Data is yours, can be exported anytime

Trusted By Clients

A small selection of clients currently enjoying the benefits of Opuz Compliance Software.

  • G4S Channel Islands

  • University of Reading

  • Network Rail

  • National Resources Wales


Real-time Risk Assessment

Opuz Compliance Software | Real-time Risk Assessment
Opuz Compliance Software | Real-time Risk Assessment

Waiting to receive final Risk Assessment documents can leave you in the dark about the hazards raised across your facility; particularly if you manage large or complex sites, when assessments can take weeks to be completed.

Risk assessments raised within the Opuz system can provide the benefits of real-time hazard notifications, email alerts, and information at the click of a button and providing the peace of mind that you have the information you require the instant you need it.

IoT & Remote Monitoring

Opuz Compliance Software | IoT & Remote Monitoring
Opuz Compliance Software | IoT & Remote Monitoring

You can take advantage of Opuz original devices or you can seamlessly map data with your existing IoT remote systems. These simple devices can link to Opuz®, which provides a graphical illustration of temperature profiles and more importantly alerts users when assets are operating outside of safe temperature parameters.

More about IoT and Remote Monitoring

Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Task Management

Opuz Compliance Software | Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Task Management
Opuz Compliance Software | Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Task Management

PPM Tasks can be scheduled using the recommendations of the initial risk assessment and inline with statutory guidance. Email reminders are sent went the tasks are due and then carried out by your own in house teams or by SMS Engineers via the free to download Opuz Mobile App.

The collected data is recorded and available for analysis and any defects are immediately raised as hazards and added to the buildings live risk management plan.

Trend Reports and Identifying Defect Assets

Opuz Compliance Software | Trend Reports and Identifying Defect Assets
Opuz Compliance Software | Trend Reports and Identifying Defect Assets

The data generated from regular PPM’s is a valuable resource when coupled with Opuz easy to understand visual trend reports. Virtually any data can be analysed and provide better, quicker understanding of compliance across the facility.

When assets move into non-compliance they raise hazards, email alerts are automatically sent and added to the buildings live risk management plan.

KPI, SLA, Team Performance Management Tracking

Opuz Compliance Software | KPI, SLA, Team Performance Management Tracking
Opuz Compliance Software | KPI, SLA, Team Performance Management Tracking

Water quality management can create a tidal wave of actionable tasks and reports making service delivery one of the most difficult elements to keep on top off. You need to know if the task required was carried out and if so when and by who.

With Opuz’s transparent reporting structure you can manage the performance of in house teams as well as any works SMS provide and if any task isn’t completed in time it will be flagged immediately for your review.

More Information

Book A live Demo

Call us to arrange a live demonstration of Opuz, or simply to ask us about how our compliance software could benefit you.

01235 835 835

If you would prefer to email your questions or request a callback to arrange a demonstration please send it to this address or use our contact form.


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Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply. If your enquiry is urgent please call us.

Having a hard time keeping track of your compliance?
Find peace of mind with Opuz Compliance Software
Opuz environmental risk and compliance management software