Courses for duty holders and appointed persons responsible for buildings

City and Guilds Assured, Legionella Training Courses

SMS Environmental provides flexible courses to support staff that carry out control measures onsite in line with Health and Safety Legislation and Guidance.

Employers are required to have arrangements in place for the management of health and safety... and to provide employees with suitable and sufficient information, instruction, and training.

HSE, ACoP L8, The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems.

Ranging from basic onsite training with a brief introduction to Legionella awareness to more in-depth Management of Legionella Control for Duty Holders and Responsible Persons. We are also happy to discuss the relative benefits of both CIBSE (CPD) Accredited and City and Guilds Assured courses that we offer to suit the specific training requirements of you/your organisation.


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Courses Offered

City & Guilds Assured Training

We offer a number of pre-defined courses that help organisations maintain suitable training levels across multiple staff roles involved in the management of legionella and its control. In addition to legionella awareness and responsible persons training we offer a number of additional theoretical/practical courses to support self delivery of services by onsite staff which are aimed to increase organisational control and deliver long term cost savings to your organisations management of legionella.
WTT001 Legionella Awareness Training for Duty Holders, Responsible Persons

WTT001 Legionella Awareness Training for Duty Holders, Responsible Persons

Overview and Scope

This Legionella Awareness foundation course is combined with management and leadership part of the course to provide the fundamental knowledge and competence to persons responsible for Legionella management at all levels of operation, management and leadership.

Completion of this course will enable duty holders to have an understanding of Legionnaires’ disease and its causative agent Legionella bacteria and to comply fully with HSE (2013) Legionnaires’ disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 & Associated Guidance HSG274 Parts 1 to 3.

Key topics covered

  • Background, history, microbiology and legislation relating to legionella and Legionnaires’ disease;

  • Managing risk and how to comply with health and safety regulations

  • Compliance requirements: risk assessment and competence, written scheme and management and control;

  • Specific controls in: domestic hot and cold water systems in the workplace, and other systems;

  • The requirements of the ACoP to achieve legal compliance on their own sites;

  • The appropriate course of action in the event of a legionella positive and a case or outbreak of Legionnaires disease;

  • The importance of appropriate Record Keeping.

Duration - 1 Day

Update Requirements - Refresher or Full Course

Entry requirements - Preferred: A working knowledge of the management and control of Legionella bacteria.

WTT002 Temperature Monitoring, Flushing and other Routine Legionella Checks of Hot & Cold Water

WTT002 Temperature Monitoring, Flushing and other Routine Legionella Checks of Hot & Cold Water

Overview and Scope

This course covers some of the routine tasks that form part of a Legionella written scheme of control that are allocated to either premises managers, caretakers and contractors to implement appropriate Legionella control measures on their sites.

The course is primarily designed for premises managers, caretakers and site staff, water treatment engineers and contractors who carry out temperature monitoring inspection and control of water systems as part of a Legionella control written scheme. Candidates include: water hygiene technicians, premises managers, building caretakers and operators. This course is also designed for persons with responsibility for managing a written scheme of control in order to assist them in technical audits and competency checks of operatives.

Key topics covered

  • Legionella Written Scheme of Control;
  • weekly flushing of showers and little-used outlets; 
  • monthly temperature monitoring hot water services & systems; 
  • monthly temperature monitoring of cold water services & systems; 
  • quarterly shower system cleaning and disinfection; 
  • annual temperature monitoring and checks; 
  • annual checks of outside services; 
  • school holidays systems shutdown and start-up procedure; 
  • escalation procedures; and 
  • record keeping.

Duration - 1 Day

Update Requirements - Tool Box Talk/Practical Refresher

Entry requirements - Required: A basic knowledge on the main aspects of legionella and Legionnaires’ disease. Preferred: A working knowledge of the management and control of Legionella bacteria.

WTT003 Cleaning & Disinfection of Water Systems

WTT003 Cleaning & Disinfection of Water Systems

Overview and Scope

The course covers legislative requirements, management, methods and safety measures associated with effective cleaning and disinfection of water systems. 

Guidance on methods within the variety of the systems to include instruction on safe handling and disposal of chemicals, dosing and neutralisation as well as sampling and testing. The training is based around the requirements of PD 855468:2015, BS8580, HSG274 and LCA standards of service delivery.


To teach delegates to carry out safe and effective disinfection of a water systems in accordance with available guidance, including:

  • evaluate the appropriate use of the most common disinfection methods and chemical agents;
  • how to calculate a required dose of chemical based on system size and volume;
  • understand the importance of calculating an appropriate contact time;
  • understand the importance of pH in the disinfection process;
  • safe disposal of disinfection fluid to appropriate discharge point; and
  • the importance of Record Keeping

Duration - 1 Day

Update Requirements - Update using CPD, 8 Hrs every 3 years subject specific or redo course

Entry requirements - Required: A basic knowledge on the main aspects of legionella and Legionnaires’ disease. Preferred: A working knowledge of the management and control of Legionella bacteria.

WTT004 Routine Planned Maintenance for Legionella Control in Domestic Hot & Cold Water Systems & Other Risk Systems

WTT004 Routine Planned Maintenance for Legionella Control in Domestic Hot & Cold Water Systems & Other Risk Systems

Overview and Scope

The course is designed for the owners, managers, operatives and contractors responsible for completing routine planned maintenance of water system as a part of Legionella control written scheme. Candidates include: water hygiene technicians, premises managers, building caretakers and contractors. This course is also designed for persons with responsibility for managing a written scheme of control in order to assist them in technical audits and competency checks of operatives.

Key topics covered

  • CWS tank inspection,
  • Flushing and inspection of calorifiers and unvented water heaters,
  • Installation and management of expansion vessel,
  • TMV checks & maintenance,
  • Annual temperature profiling and log book audits;
  • To be able to appropriately evaluate the competence of all individuals who have responsibility for undertaking tasks in delivering the written scheme;
  • To enable delegates to be able to appropriately interpret sampling results;
  • To be able to audit log books to ensure they comply with the Legionella ACoP
  • To implement appropriate course of action in the event of a case or outbreak of Legionnaires disease;
  • The highlight the importance of recording keeping

Duration - 1 Day

Update Requirements - Update using CPD, 8 Hrs every 3 years subject specific or redo course

Entry requirements - Required: A basic knowledge on the main aspects of legionella and Legionnaires’ disease.
Preferred: A working knowledge of the management and control of Legionella bacteria.

WTT005 Sample collection and transport

WTT005 Sample collection and transport

Overview and Scope

This training is based around the guidance given in BS 7592:2008 Sampling for Legionella bacteria in water systems – Code of practice. The British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on the sampling of water and related materials for determination of the presence of organisms of the genus Legionella.
It is applicable to sampling artificial water systems and also gives methods for sampling of biofilms and sediments that might be present in water systems. Some of the same sampling principles can be applied to natural water systems.

The standard is applicable to both sampling for routine monitoring and in outbreak investigations. For the latter, recommendations and guidance on the selection of sampling points are given. The rationale for the selection of sampling points for particular situations is also discussed.

Appropriate sample collection and transportation of microbiological water samples, including Legionella, E.coli, Coliforms, TVC and Pseudomonas sampling from different systems. This British Standard is intended for use by all those involved in water sampling for legionella including the persons taking samples on site and their employers


  • To train samplers the importance of the safety of sampling personnel;
  • To train samplers the importance of sample containers and bottles;
  • To train samplers the importance and appropriate usage of different sampling types, and procedures, pre-flush, post flush with disinfection, dip samples, biocide samples, swab samples
  • To train samplers the importance of sample transport and storage.

Duration - 1 Day

Update Requirements - Redo course after 3 years

Entry requirements - Required: A basic knowledge on the main aspects of legionella and Legionnaires’ disease. Preferred: A working knowledge of the management and control of Legionella bacteria.

WTT006 Legionella Risk Assessment of Domestic Hot & Cold Water Systems & Other Risk Systems

WTT006 Legionella Risk Assessment of Domestic Hot & Cold Water Systems & Other Risk Systems

Overview and Scope

This course provides candidates with the knowledge and understanding to be able to complete a suitable and sufficient Legionella risk assessment of low complexity domestic hot and cold water systems and other risk systems, to meet statutory requirements and the requirements of BS:8580, HSG274 Part 2 & 3 and the LCA Standards of Service Delivery.

Key topics covered

  • The requirements of BS:8580, HSG274 Part 2 & 3 and LCA Standards of Service Delivery for Delivering Legionella Risk Assessments.
  • Importance of management responsibilities;
  • Competence and training of key personnel;
  • Water systems and schematic diagrams;
  • Risk assessment and risk rating systems;
  • Safe operating procedures for the water system, including controls in place to Control risks;
  • Monitoring, inspection and maintenance procedures;
  • Results of monitoring, inspection and any checks carried out;
  • Evaluation of documentation and records;
  • Limitations of the legionella risk assessment;
  • Arrangements to review the risk assessment regularly and particularly when there is reason to suspect it is no longer valid.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, candidates will be able to carry out a suitable and sufficient legionella risk assessment of domestic hot & cold water systems and other risk systems in accordance with the requirements of BS:8580, HSG274 Part 2 & 3 and LCA Standards of Service Delivery for Delivering Legionella Risk Assessments.

Duration - 1 Day City & Guilds Assured theoretical and practical course in Legionella risk assessment of domestic hot and cold water systems and other risk systems

Update Requirements - After 3 years, redo full course or appropriate CPD

Entry requirements -

  • Familiarity with current ACoP: L8, HSG and other relevant guidance

  • Knowledge of appropriate sampling strategies, guidelines & standards including an understanding of the H&S risks associated with carrying out a risk assessment

  • Familiarity with the range and ages of building types: construction, voids, health and safety considerations and risk
WTT007 Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Plant Operators & Carers Training

WTT007 Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Plant Operators & Carers Training

Overview and Scope

The course is for front line staff and pool carers who complete daily water testing in swimming and spa pools.

It provides the candidates with the knowledge of chemical dosing techniques, water testing, water chemistry and microbiological safety in spa-pool and swimming pools.

On completion, you will have the skills to test pool water, understand the factors that contribute to pool water quality, explain to bathers what can affect pool water quality, appreciate the importance of good hygiene and cleanliness in and around the swimming pool, be able to appropriately backwash a sand filter and understand the importance of good record keeping.


  • To enable pool carers to water test and recognise appropriate readings for key chemical parameters in the pool water;
  • To enable pool carers to provide chemically safe and balanced pool water;
  • To enable pool carers to ensure chemicals are stored safely on their sites and appreciate they have duties under COSHH;
  • To give practical training to pool carers on how to backwash a pool filter; and
  • To give practical training on how to complete accurate water testing.

Duration - 1 Day

Update Requirements - Redo course after 3 years

Entry requirements - You must be at least 18 years of age. There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

WTT008 The management & control of Legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems

WTT008 The management & control of Legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems

Overview and Scope

The course is designed for legionella risk assessors, owners, operators, managers and technicians responsible for treating, maintaining, management of evaporative cooling systems and legionella risk assessments. This course is also designed for persons with responsibility for managing a written scheme of control in order to assist them in technical audits and competency checks of operatives.


  • The basic principles of evaporative cooling water treatment;
  • The requirements of a cooling water treatment programme;
  • Inspection, cleaning and disinfection procedures;
  • The desired outcomes in cooling water treatment.

Duration - 1 Day

Update Requirements - Refresher or Full Course or Possibly CPD or Tool Box Talks

Entry requirements -
For the Risk Assessor role - preferable completed suitable level of Legionella Risk Assessment of Domestic Hot & Cold Water Systems & Other Risk Systems.
All delegates - should have a good working knowledge of the background of legionella and Legionnaires’ disease

WTT010 Pseudomonas and other Waterborne Pathogens Risk Assessment (excluding Legionella) in a Healthcare Environment

WTT010 Pseudomonas and other Waterborne Pathogens Risk Assessment (excluding Legionella) in a Healthcare Environment

Overview and Scope

The scope of the Pseudomonas and other waterborne pathogens risk assessment includes the wide range of organisms other than Legionella which can be transmitted by engineered water and drainage systems. This course provides candidates with the knowledge and understanding to be able to complete a suitable and sufficient Pseudomonas and other waterborne pathogens risk assessment.

Duration  - 24 Hours

Valid For - 3 Years

Update Requirements - Competency Assessment/Audit/ relevant CPD

WTT011 Water Treatment for Closed Heating and Cooling Systems

WTT011 Water Treatment for Closed Heating and Cooling Systems

Overview & Scope

The scope of this training programme covers both the theory and practical elements of water treatment for closed heating and cooling systems (CWT Closed Loops), including:

  • Properties of water 
  • Basic water chemistry
    • pH
    • Alkalinity
    • Scale
    • Corrosion
    • Fouling
    • Biofouling
  • Major water treatment objectives
    • Pre-treatment of fill water
    • pH and alkalinity management
    • Solids removal and filtration
    • Removal of dissolved gases
    • Chemical water treatment - Scale & Corrosion
    • Galvanic anode cathodic protection / electrochemistry
    • Bacteria and biofouling inhibition by biocides - MIC
  • Safe sample collection for analysis
  • Test kit fundamentals
  • Sample testing, analysis, reporting and recommendations

Duration - 3 days

Update Requirements - Completion Full Course or Appropriate CPD completed and recorded with a recognised professional body

Entry requirements


At least 1 years experience in industrial water treatment or 3 years in a facilities management role in addition the following must have been completed:

  • A Recognised COSHH Course including safe chemical handling
  • UKATA Asbestos Awareness course or equivalent
  • Manual handling/environmental awareness/first aid/PPE


We offer basic half day legionella awareness training. On completion 3 CIBSE CPD points are provided along with a certificate of attendance. Or we can offer bespoke CIBSE CPD Presentations (1 CIBSE CPD point) for any organisation/trust. Each CPD is approximately 40 mins.
CIBSE CPD - Legionella Awareness Training

CIBSE CPD - Legionella Awareness Training

Training will fulfil the requirement for those responsible to have introductory knowledge on the main aspects of legionella and Legionnaires’ disease, and to understand their role or can equally be used as a refresher to previous training that may have been undertaken.

This training aims to inform an understanding of Legionella bacteria as well as the responsibilities required to remain legally compliant.

It is aimed at duty holders and appointed persons responsible for your sites. Delegates will most likely be either:

  • Senior management
  • Health & Safety managers
  • Site Engineers with specific responsibility for water
  • Facility and Contract managers

On completion 3 CIBSE CPD points are provided along with a certificate of attendance.

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