01 June 2020

SMS Environmental draw specific praise from the BSI assessor

BSI - ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

When your Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems are audited during the Covid-19 pandemic you can bet your last penny that amongst other key requirements your companies pandemic response is going to be scrutinised.

So it is a special point of pride, and a level of assurance to our clients, that not only did SMS Environmental Ltd successfully transition from ISO 18001 to ISO 45001 but we drew specific praise from the BSI assessor, with no non-conformance or improvement actions raised and to paraphrase:

The SMS Environmental response to COVID-19 management is one of the best examples I have seen so far and I have been continuously assessing BSI clients throughout the crisis.


COVID-19 management arrangements of a highest standard were objectively evidenced during the assessment; these arrangements included pandemic planning and return to work planning post pandemic. Detailed examination of the organisations COVID-19 arrangements identified that the OHS management system has continued to function as normal, suggesting that the system is robust and effective even when faced with unplanned events, such as pandemic.

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