Lessons Learnt in Legionella - Preparing for the unthinkable, a true life story from the UK

SMS Environmental is going international! We are crossing the Atlantic Ocean to visit our fellow water hygiene specialists in Canada. Join John Sandford CMIOSH CWT, and Director of SMS Environmental on the 23rd of September in the Vancouver Convention Centre as he presents his experience of legionella control and regulation in the UK.
SMS Environmental presents: When the Worst Happens, Lessons Learned in Legionella: A Case Study from the UK Lessons Learnt in Legionella: Preparing for the Unthinkable: A True Life Story From the UK
John Sandford CMIOSH CWT, and Director of SMS Environmental will give a UK perspective on legionella control and the guidance/techniques we use to prevent and maintain the risk of legionella proliferation. Our aim is to Illustrate the importance of good competent risk assessment, staff training, record keeping and audit taking as preventative measures to control legionella.
Within the presentation, he demonstrates that it’s not just evaporative cooling towers that are a problem but domestic plumbing systems that are also problematic when creating effective control measures to prevent legionella proliferation.
He highlights this point by reviewing a case that launched a criminal prosecution of the facility owners and may have led to a manslaughter charge against the facility manager.
He will discuss the case, some of the flaws identified in the construction and later management of the water system that lead to the criminal prosecution.
In particular, John highlights what the experience taught him, what impact it had on his company operating in the water treatment sector, the importance he continues to place on establishing a good water safety program for building operators and on the significance of a good record keeping, staff training and auditing to demonstrate your actions.
About AWT
The Association of Water Technologies (AWT) is the international water treatment association representing over 500 companies that specialise in applying water treatments for industrial and commercial cooling and heating systems.
About John Sandford
John Sanford has over 30 years of practical and research experience in the field of industrial water treatment and Legionella control; with extensive experience in the drafting of specific Legionella water safety plans in Large Hospital Buildings. He acts as Legionella, Pseudomonas and other waterborne pathogens specialist advisor for Healthcare Trusts, Transport Franchises, Local Government Authorities, Universities, Federal Departments and Housing Associations.
About SMS
SMS Environmental provides water hygiene services to enable clients to meet their statutory obligations with regard to Legionella control. SMS also provides products and services that have synergy with the core business, such as other water treatment services, other water sampling, air sampling, air conditioning, ventilation hygiene, and other building services.