Pool and Spa Legislation Compliance Services

Spa and swimming pools are becoming increasingly popular, providing health benefits through massage, relaxation and pain relief, but can offer a route for the transmission of organisms between people, including diseases such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Spa and swimming pool water maintenance
Organisations and individuals who operate the pools and spas for public access should be aware of public health guidelines and legislation that control the risk and they must ensure they comply with legislation in order to protect bathers. This includes, as a minimum, a suitable risk assessment and regular pool inspections, chemical treatment and bacterial/chemical sampling.
Knowing how to control these risks requires expertise and compliance with legislation, even in the absence of specific swimming pool and spa health and safety laws in the UK.
Spa Pool Hygiene Control
The Challenge of Maintaining Ideal Water Conditions
Operating a spa pool comes with unique challenges. The agitated water contained in spa pools is usually maintained at a relatively high temperature. Such factors place a high demand on the spa pool’s disinfection and filtration systems and this can lead to an increase in microbial growth and a consequent risk of infection. Contaminated water in swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, water play areas or interactive fountains can lead to water illnesses caused by germs spread by swallowing, breathing in mists or aerosols. The most common infections include gastrointestinal, skin, eye, ear, respiratory and wound infections.
The spa pool must, therefore, be managed carefully to ensure water quality does not deteriorate. Only competent inspectors should be employed to complete an inspection of a pool system.
Understanding The Legal Scope & Duties
Pool and spa operators need to take into account their obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and related regulations. In the UK, while there's no tailor-fit law regarding swimming pools and spas, it's best to align with the Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group (PWTAG) standards and the HSG 282 which covers requirements for spa pool water testing, microbiological sampling.
Swimming Pool Hygiene Control
At SMS Environmental, we don't just inspect your pool systems; we enhance them. Our comprehensive pool maintenance contracts cover everything from complete refurbishment of filter vessels to risk assessment and control scheme advice.
Our range of services for pool maintenance contracts includes:
- Full refurbishment of filter vessels under drains, media, etc.
- Complete installations of new projects
- Consultancy services
- Commercial steel filters
- Shot blasting/WRC-approved internal coating
- Supply and fit of new manways and viewing ports to existing steel filters
- NDT testing
- Replacement pumps, pipework, valves and pressure gauges, etc.
- Full servicing of filtration and chemical dosing systems including UV
- Balance tank cleaning/sterilising
- Biofilm/bacterial removal
- Inspection and reports
- Replacement heat exchangers and associated pipework
- Annual maintenance/service contracts – nationwide
Don't compromise on water quality. Choose SMS Environmental - your partners in pool health and safety.