Environmental Risk and Compliance Management for the Hotel and Leisure Sector

Hotel and Leisure water system and legionella prevention programmes and legionella risk assessment

In customer-facing organisations, image is a key element in upholding reputation and image. We are very mindful that when our people attend for a service visit they arrive in clean, liveried vehicles and wear a smart, clean uniform upholding our own reputation and image as well.

With organisations operational around the clock, a safe and clean and compliant environment is essential 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure visitors enjoy their recreation time and remain safe.

The creation of regular cleaning, disinfection and sampling regimes is vital to ensure the water is kept safe and compliant, and our efficient behind-the-scenes ways of working ensure that our services are undertaken seamlessly.

Are you in the Hotel and Leisure sector? Find out how our range of services can help support you. Please call 0800 138 21 21 or use the form below

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