Historical Sector

heritage buildings and some of the most impressive and iconic places across the British Isles.
Environmental Risk And Compliance Management For The Historical Sector

SMS Environmental has continuously delivered full water hygiene services and risk assessments to many of the UK's most iconic Historical Buildings.
They have always shown themselves to be fully considerate of operating around HRP estates, the unique nature of the building and their contents and how to conduct themselves around the public, residents and staff.
Senior Engineer, Historic Royal Palaces, Hampton Court Palace
The experience gained by working in museums, palaces and galleries has enhanced our appreciation of complex, decentralised domestic systems, interconnected throughout properties. Complexity is often further added by mixing old pipework and system design and a combination of systems with variations of use, size of the sites and seasonal use.
The experience gained by working with museums, palaces and galleries regarding its occupants and it’s management team has enabled us to understand and appreciate what kind of image and behaviour is expected of SMS Environmental as a contractor within these unique historic environments. Our staff understand what a privilege it is to work for such a high-profile organisation and that more is expected of them.
We understand we need to provide services that provide the sector with value for money whilst ensuring compliance and assurance, through the required knowledge and experience, health and safety and quality management in the delivery of our services.
Staff are trained are focussed on customer care and taking extra due diligence in order to protect and respect the national treasures found in many of the working environment we have the privilege to work in.
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